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About Statkraft UK

Statkraft has been making clean energy possible for over a century. Today, we are Europe’s largest renewable energy producer and a global company in energy market operations.

With over 6,000 employees in more than 20 countries, the group produces hydropower, wind, solar, gas-fired power and supplies district heating.

The skilled team has worked on renewable energy projects in the United Kingdom since 1998, with a UK Statkraft office established in 2006. We develop, own and operate wind, solar, hydro and greener-grid projects and manage trading and market operations for these projects and those of third parties.

Statkraft has invested over £1.4 billion in the UK's renewable energy infrastructure and is a leading provider of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), having facilitated over 4.3 GW of new-build renewable energy generation through PPAs. Statkraft delivers grid stability services to support National Grid ESO’s target to deliver a zero-carbon electricity system by 2025. We’ve built solar projects with a combined capacity of 700 MWp, including 20 at utility scale. And we’re proud to be working on onshore wind, the UK’s single biggest source of renewable power, harnessing these natural resources to bring clean electricity to homes and businesses.

Statkraft is owned by the Norwegian government and looks back at 125 years of history in renewable energy. 100% of the company’s investments are targeted towards the growth of renewables.

Our UK headquarters are located in Bishopsgate in the City of London, with a Scottish office in central Glasgow and and office in Cardiff, Wales.

people inspecting solar panel

UK portfolio

Our UK portfolio includes four onshore wind farms in Wales and Scotland and Rheidol Hydropower Plant near Aberystwyth in Mid-Wales, with a number of wind and Greener Grid projects currently under construction. We’ve built over 100 solar projects in the UK, on roofs and ground sites. We have an additional portfolio of short and long term PPAs, now exceeding 10 TWh per year from almost 300 customers.

The UK pipeline includes solar, wind and Greener Grid activities, green hydrogen and hydropower of approximately 4.8 GWp gross.

To achieve this pipeline, we have acquired some expert local teams in recent years:

  • Solarcentury. Acquiring this solar pioneer in 2020 brought us a highly-skilled solar developer team and a 6 GW solar pipeline (gross). Combined with our current project portfolio this immediately positioned Statkraft as a leading developer in the European solar market. 
  • Airvolution Clean Energy Ltd. Airvolution had been working exclusively on behalf of Statkraft before being brought in-house in 2019, to identify and secure onshore wind project opportunities in Scotland.
  • Element Power. The acquisition in 2018 of the Irish and UK onshore wind development businesses of the Element Power Group, brings a large development pipeline including two consented Scottish projects.

A selection of our projects can be viewed here

Powering possibilities

Where we operate in the UK

Use the filters to find out more about our projects, power plants and other activities in the UK.