Application submitted for 9 turbine Knockcronal Wind Farm
Statkraft has submitted plans for the Knockcronal Wind Farm in South Ayrshire to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit
Located approximately 4.8 km from Straiton in South Ayrshire, the proposal is for nine wind turbines, six with a maximum height of 200 m to blade tip, and three having 180 m tip height. The installed capacity of the wind farm is expected to be over 50 MW.
Originally launched as a 12 turbine scheme in January 2021, the project is estimated to generate electricity equivalent to the demand of approximately 48,000 homes each year. In addition, the wind farm would generate a community fund of nearly £300,000 per year, over the project’s operational lifetime.
This project is one of a portfolio that Statkraft is developing in the UK, contributing to the country’s net zero by 2045 target.
John Wallace, Project Manager for Statkraft said:
“We are delighted to have submitted the planning application for Knockcronal Wind Farm. We are very pleased the project team had an opportunity to meet with local residents in person at points throughout project. We want to thank everyone who took time to provide their views on the project and to input into the project design process”.
The full planning application documents can be viewed on the project website www.knockcronal.co.uk or on the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit website under reference ECU0002181.
Statkraft is a member of the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce and have announced their intention to work with the trade body and other business groups to maximise the opportunities for local suppliers. Interested local suppliers are encouraged to register their capabilities on the Local Suppliers Register here.
About Knockcronal Wind Farm
- Energy Consents Unit Reference: ECU00002181 turbines
- 200 m to blade tip height (6 x 200 m and 3 x 180 m)
- Over 50 MW installed capacity (estimated to be 59.4 MW)
- Community benefit fund of £5,000 per MW of Installed Capacity per annum based on 59.4 MW, £297,000
- Generate electricity equivalent to the demand of over 48,000 homes (Based on 59.4 MW of Installed Capacity, wind resource assessment and Scottish average household consumption of 3,393kWh per annum (BEIS Dec. 2020)).