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Two nominations for Statkraft at Scottish Green Energy Awards

18 Oct, 2023

Statkraft’s innovative Keith Greener Grid Park, and the Loch Liath Wind Farm projects have been recognised

Statkraft, Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy, has been shortlisted in two categories at the Scottish Green Energy Awards 2023, for ‘Best Engagement’ and ‘Outstanding Project’.

Scottish Green Energy Awards

The Best Engagement nomination is for Statkraft’s Loch Liath Wind Farm project, which saw the team put local engagement at the heart of the development process, identifying that its proximity to Loch Ness meant stakeholders from the tourism sector had to play a key part in shaping the plans.

Research with tourism operators found that 90% of local businesses believed visitors would not be put off from coming to the area, by the presence of a new wind farm. Feedback from consultations found support for proposals to improve access to local broadband and enhance the experience for walkers in the area. As a result, the project will deliver substantial path upgrades on a hill walking route to a popular viewpoint of Loch Ness.

Additionally, Statkraft has accepted an invite to join the steering committee of a new world-first Highland tourism and renewables group, who seek to demonstrate that renewables and tourism can work together and deliver benefits to the local economy.

Statkraft also secured a nomination for Keith Greener Grid Park, which has been shortlisted for an Outstanding Project Award. This world-first project was launched in March 2022, as part of National Grid ESO’s Stability Pathfinder One Project and will be instrumental in meeting the target of operating a fossil fuel-free grid by 2025.

Keith’s two rotating stabilisers replicate the spinning turbines of a traditional fossil-fuel power station, helping to keep the lights on by stabilising the grid frequency if a generator or interconnector trips.  The project provides inertia, but with zero emissions; in doing so, the technology allows more of Great Britain’s renewable energy to be used.

Statkraft is the first in industry to deliver a community fund for its grid stability projects, which is an approach now being adopted by other developers. The £20,000 Keith fund supports projects that lower carbon emissions, focus on climate resilience, education, and employment.

The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in Edinburgh, on 30 November 2023.


Gary Connor
Senior Media Relations Manager, Statkraft UK