Predicted view from Layby on the A836
Application for 12 turbine Ackron Wind Farm submitted
Plans for a proposed Wind Farm near Melvich have been submitted to The Highland Council by renewable energy company Statkraft.
Located approximately 2 kilometres south-east of Melvich in Sutherland, the proposal is for 12 wind turbines, with a maximum height of 149.9 metres to blade tip. It is estimated the wind farm would generate electricity equivalent to the demand of approximately 45,800 Scottish homes each year. The wind farm would also generate funding of approximately £240,000 per year to benefit the local community, which equates to over £7.2 million over the project’s 30 year operating period.
The Company first proposed a 14 turbine scheme in June 2019, but removed two wind turbines after feedback from the community and statutory bodies was received.
Maya Hernes, Project Manager for Statkraft said: “The project has evolved from the original design – after listening to feedback we now have a scheme which is further inland, away from coastal landscapes and the North Coast 500 route.
“We are grateful for the engagement and interest of the community - it has been incredibly helpful throughout the design process. We would like to thank everyone for their efforts which has really played a part in shaping the final submission.”
The full planning application documents can be viewed on the project website www.ackron-windfarm.co.uk or on the Highland Council website at www.highland.gov.uk.
Statkraft is a member of the Caithness Chamber of Commerce and intend to work with the trade body and other business groups to maximise opportunities for local suppliers. Interested local suppliers are encouraged to register their capabilities on the Local Suppliers register.
Last month Statkraft announced that construction of their first Greener Grid Park would be in Keith, Moray This £20 million world-leading project will facilitate increased usage of renewable energy on the grid network.
About Ackron Wind Farm
- Planning Application Reference: 20/05080/FUL
- 12 turbines
- Up to 149.9 metres to blade tip
- No visible aviation lighting required
- Up to 49.9MW installed capacity
- Generating 179 Gigawatt hours (GWh) per year, equivalent to the average annual electricity consumption of approximately 45,800 Scottish homes annually*
*Based on 48 MW installed capacity and the latest available household figures of 3,910kwh pa from BEIS, Dec 2018